
Meet the SVS Vice President Candidates

In this episode, Sasank Kalipatnapu (@ksasank), John Culhane and Leana Dogbe (@ldogbe4) sit down along with Dr. Dalman (@RLDalmanMD) as chair of the SVS Nominating Committee for this year, along with the two vice presidential candidates Dr. Harris and Dr. Shaw to learn more about them as part of the ongoing election process. 



SVS 2024 Meet the VP Candidates provides a comprehensive overview of all the candidates. Their professional biographies and answers to questions about their plans for the future are available in both text and video formats.


Show Guests:

  • Dr. Linda Harris, Professor of Surgery at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Buffalo, NY

  • Dr. Palma Shaw, Professor of Surgery at State University of New York, Syracuse, NY

  • Dr. Ronald L. Dalman, Elsa R. and Walter C. Chidester Professor and Division Chief Emeritus of Vascular Surgery at Stanford University, CA, Associate Dean for Market Development and Outreach for Stanford Medicine and Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs in the Department of Surgery


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