
SCVS Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program

In this episode of Audible Bleeding, editor Dr. Imani McElroy (@IEMcElroy) is joined by General Surgery PGY-4 Sasank Kalipatnapu(@ksasank) along with Dr.David Rigberg, MD (@drigberg), and Dr. Guillermo Escobar, MD (@GAEscobarMD) to discuss the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery (SCVS) Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program. This episode brings out a conversation exploring the history behind the development of the program, the current state of the program, and the overwhelming importance of the program in the current day. The episode also provides a broad overview of the content presented in the program and the reasoning behind the talks. 



  1. Dr. David Rigberg - Professor of Surgery, Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, Gonda Vascular Center, Program Director for the Vascular fellowship and integrated vascular surgery residency at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, California

  2. Dr. Guillermo Escobar- Associate Professor, Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Program Director for the Vascular Surgery Fellowship and Residency at Emory University School of Medicine


Relevant links:


To apply for the Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program, go to apply now!

Audible Bleeding team:

  1. Dr. Imani McElroy is 1st year vascular surgery fellow at USC/LA and editor at Audible Bleeding

  2. Dr. Sasank Kalipatnapu, PGY-4 general surgery resident, Dept of Surgery, UMass Chan Medical School, Worcester, MA

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