Posts tagged with "Olamide Alabi"

Interviews · 25. April 2024
In this episode Abena Appah-Sampong (@abenasamp) and Leana Dogbe (@leanadogbe) partner with Vaiva Dabravolskaite ( from ESVS to host an episode discussing social deprivation in vascular surgery. Dr. Tara Mastracci and Dr. Olamide Alabi join us to offer insights into how social deprivation drives disparities in outcomes and steps to how we can shift practice paradigms to better address our patient needs. Dr. Tara Mastracci (@aorticsurgeon) is a vascular surgeon with...
Special Topics · 22. June 2020
In light of the events unfolding across the country over the past few weeks, The Society for Vascular Surgery's Diversity Equity and Inclusion Task Force and the Wellness Task Force sponsored a webinar around race in America and its impact on our field. We at Audible Bleeding thought this was an excellent start, and we would hope to keep the conversation going.