Posts tagged with "Quality and Safety"

Interviews · 17. April 2021
Rachael and Francesca discuss with Mr. Jonathan Boyle and Aminder vascular surgery registries in the UK, how they contribute to device safety and lessons learned from the Nellix experience.
Interviews · 27. September 2020
Dr. Brigitte Smith, assistant professor of surgery in the Division of Vascular Surgery at the University of Utah, joins us to discuss how we can innovate in the areas of quality and safety education for our vascular surgery trainees.
Interviews · 21. March 2020
Dr. Misty Humphries is an Associate Professor in the Division of Vascular Surgery at the University of California at Davis Medical Center where she serves as the Vascular Surgery Residency Program Director and Vice-Chair of Surgical Outcomes. In 2019 she was awarded a K award from the NIH investigating the role of telemedicine programs to reduce amputation rates in rural populations and joins our team to discuss updates and best practices in Telemedicine the face of COVID-19 pandemic.
Interviews · 08. October 2019
Dr. Caitlin Hicks is an assistant professor of surgery in the division of vascular and endovascular therapy at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. She is already an accomplished researcher but is also an appointed member of a CMS Clinical Expert Subcommittee tasked with refining peripheral vascular disease cost measures for implementation in the Quality Payment Program.