
Developing a Research Career - SVS YSC Collaboration

This episode is the first in a series produced in collaboration with the Society for Vascular Surgery Young Surgeons Advisory Committee (SVS YSC). This episode will focus on establishing a research lab and setting the groundwork for a productive academic career. Our guests for this episode are two members of the Young Surgeons Advisory Committee, Dr. Mohamed Zayed and Dr. Nicholas Osborne.

Dr. Mohamed Zayed (zayedm@wustl.edu) has been an assistant professor of surgery at Washington University in St. Louis since 2014.  He received his medical degree and Ph.D. in pharmacology from UNC and vascular surgery residency training from Stanford.  He has received many research awards for his translational research, including the Vascular Cures Wylie Scholar, American Surgical Association Foundation Fellow and in 2016 was awarded a K08 career development grant from the NIH, National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.

Dr. Nicholas Osborne (nichosbo@umich.edu, @nichosbo) has been an assistant professor of vascular surgery at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan since 2014.  He received his medical degree from Dartmouth and general surgery residency and vascular surgery fellowship at the University of Michigan.  He has received multiple awards for his health services research from the American Heart Association, industry and has submitted a grant through the NIH Department for Health and Human Services.

Resources discussed on the show:

Three main categories of research funding:

  1. Institutional microgrants
    • Internal funding mechanisms through research centers or foundations at your institution: university, VA, etc.
    • SVS
    • Other professional societies' awards: AHA, ADA, VESS, etc.
  2. Foundation award
    • K award series: career development grants for early-stage investigators
    • R01: highest level, most coveted
  3. NIH funding