- 02/11/2025 - LifeBTK Trial: Drug-Eluting Resorbable Scaffold versus Angioplasty for Infrapopliteal Artery Disease
- 02/02/2025 - JVS Author Spotlight - Roy, Csore, and Rahimi
- 01/26/2025 - JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Dec 2024/Jan 2025
- 01/12/2025 - JVS Author Spotlight - Schermerhorn, Sanders, Cox and Tsukagoshi
- 01/05/2025 - Holding Pressure: AV Fistula/Graft Complications Part 1
- 12/22/2024 - The Art and Science of Leadership - An Introduction to the SVS Leadership Development Program
- 12/15/2024 - JVS CIT Editorials and Abstracts - Oct/Nov 2024
- 12/08/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Mota, Liang and Weinkauf
- 11/24/2024 - Get a Pulse on PAD Campaign
- 11/17/2024 - SCVS Rising Seniors / Incoming Fellows Program
- 11/12/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Straus, Schermerhorn, and Etkin
- 10/06/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Felsted, Scali, and Jayaraj
- 09/30/2024 - JVS CIT Editorial and Abstracts - August 2024
- 09/26/2024 - 2024 EVS Research
- 09/25/2024 - SVS Step Challenge
- 09/19/2024 - 2024 EVS Day 1
- 09/09/2024 - Diagnosis and Management of Infected Aortic Endografts
- 08/18/2024 - Robotic Vascular Surgery Part 2
- 08/04/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Kempe and Navi
- 07/28/2024 - Holding Pressure Case Prep - Fem Pop Bypass
- 07/23/2024 - JVS-CIT Editorials & Abstracts June 2024
- 06/09/2024 - Meet the SVS Vice President Candidates
- 06/02/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - O'Donnell and Timaran
- 05/19/2024 - ChatGPT/LLM in Vascular Surgery
- 05/05/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Pillado, Coleman, and Lal
- 04/30/2024 - JVS CIT Editorials & Abstracts April 2024
- 04/25/2024 - Social Deprivation in Vascular Surgery
- 04/22/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - McDermott and Chan
- 04/21/2024 - How to Heal a Heel: Lessons From the Malvern Diabetic Foot Conference
- 04/12/2024 - International Society for Women Vascular Surgeons
- 03/25/2024 - SVS Outpatient Vascular Verification Program
- 03/13/2024 - Robotic Vascular Surgery Part 1
- 03/03/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Maldonado and Guzman
- 02/27/2024 - Holding Pressure: Carotid Endarterectomy
- 02/22/2024 - Transatlantic Series with the ESVS: Intersocietal PAD Guidelines
- 02/17/2024 - International Vascular Surgery: Dr. PC Gupta (India)
- 02/04/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Ramirez, Iannuzzi, and Kibrik
- 01/07/2024 - JVS Author Spotlight - Brinster, Conte, Kim
- 12/03/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Arko, Han, and Fleischman
- 11/06/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Chang, Talutis, Jimenez
- 10/15/2023 - R&R Series: Dr. Lyssa Ochoa and The SAVE Clinic
- 10/11/2023 - Lost in Translation: The Language Patients and Providers Use in Vascular Surgery
- 10/08/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Li, De Mestral, Kiang, Tomihama
- 10/04/2023 - Vascular Team Talk #2
- 09/27/2023 - Navigating the Vascular Fellowship Match
- 09/09/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Ramadan, Wang, Tillman
- 09/03/2023 - International Vascular Surgery - Dr. Ahmed Kayssi (Canada)
- 08/27/2023 - Lost in Translation: Insights from Experts in Narrative Medicine
- 08/06/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Levin, Siracuse and Shao
- 07/26/2023 - Transatlantic Series: Carotid Guidelines with Dr. A AbuRahma and Dr. B Rantner
- 07/03/2023 - VAM23 Student Scholarship Winners
- 06/18/2023 - VOS Vascular Offspring - The Drs. Dardik
- 06/14/2023 - Let’s Talk about VESS/SVS: Discussion with current leaders in Vascular
- 06/11/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight- Modrall and Xu
- 05/22/2023 - Lost in Translation: The Language Patients and Providers Use in Vascular Surgery
- 05/14/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight- Bath, Lawrence and Mendes
- 05/02/2023 - International Vascular Surgery - Dr. Daniel Silverberg (Israel)
- 04/23/2023 - Holding Pressure Case Prep - Endovascular Basics
- 04/16/2023 - BEST-CLI - Menard and Farber
- 04/09/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Siracuse and Chang
- 04/02/2023 - VOS: MASH - Part 2
- 03/26/2023 - Vascular Team Talk - Introduction to PAs and NPs
- 03/18/2023 - EVS DEI Seminar-Diversity in Education and Training
- 03/15/2023 - EVS DEI Seminar- Diversity in Academia
- 03/13/2023 - EVS DEI Seminar- Diversity in the workplace
- 03/05/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight- Bose, Hicks, and Chou
- 02/26/2023 - "Nuts and Bolts" of academic publishing with the editors of the JVS
- 02/21/2023 - Exploring Pre-Operative Evaluation and Physical Resilience in Vascular Patients with Dr. Chloe Powell
- 02/11/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Chloe Powell MD, Matthew Corriere MD, and Michol Cooper MD PhD
- 02/08/2023 - Play on your way to the VSITE - 2023
- 02/03/2023 - Exam Prep 2023 - Radiation Safety
- 01/16/2023 - JVS-VL Author Spotlight - David Gordon, MD and David Williams, MD
- 01/08/2023 - JVS Author Spotlight - Jasmine Bhinder, MD
- 12/29/2022 - 2022 Wrap Up
- 12/11/2022 - Holding Pressure - VESS VSIG Webinar
- 12/04/2022 - JVS Author Spotlight - Aalami and Ryan
- 11/27/2022 - SVS Webinars - Hacking the EMR
- 11/20/2022 - Uncomfortable Conversations - Mental Health Awareness in Surgery
- 11/13/2022 - Role of the Modern Vascular Surgeon in Oncologic Surgery
- 11/06/2022 - JVS Author Spotlight- Dowdy and Kraiss
- 10/30/2022 - The SVS Sub-Section on Outpatient & Office Vascular Care, with Dr. Robert Molnar, Dr. Anil Hingorani, and Dr. Edward Arous
- 10/23/2022 - SVS Women's Section: Advice for Young Surgeons
- 10/09/2022 - Interview of Dr. Bruce Gewertz, with Dr. Ali Azizzadeh and Dr. Ben Pearce
- 10/02/2022 - JVS Author Spotlight - Deak & Varkevisser
- 09/25/2022 - R&R Spotlight: Dr. Bryan T. Fisher
- 09/18/2022 - JVS Author Spotlight - Andraska et al.
- 09/11/2022 - SVS Women’s Section with Dr. Duncan and Dr. Shaw
- 09/04/2022 - SVS HITC Series - New Technologies in Vascular Surgery
- 08/28/2022 - R&R Spotlight: Dr. Keith Jones
- 08/15/2022 - HP Case Prep: EVAR
- 08/04/2022 - VOS: MASH - Part 1
- 07/03/2022 - #VAM22 Highlight - VESS Paper Session
- 06/17/2022 - #VAM22 Highlight - Medical Student Session/Experiences
- 06/14/2022 - Interview with the Incoming Editors of the JVS
- 06/10/2022 - SCVS 2022 Recap
- 05/24/2022 - JVS VL Editors' Choice - May 2022
- 05/15/2022 - The Young Surgeons Section of the SVS with Dr. Chelsea Dorsey and Dr. Leigh Ann O’Banion
- 05/08/2022 - Occupational Hazards for the Vascular Surgeon
- 05/02/2022 - R&R Spotlight: Dr. Eric Pillado
- 04/28/2022 - Holding Pressure Case Prep - AKA/BKA
- 04/24/2022 - Inside the Vascular Surgery Board - the Past, Present, and Future of Your Certification
- 04/22/2022 - SVS HITC Series - Surgeon Innovator: Startups, Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
- 04/10/2022 - R&R Spotlight: Dr. Garietta Falls
- 03/31/2022 - JVS Editors' Choice - April 2022
- 03/24/2022 - Holding Pressure/Vascular Origin Stories - History of Hemodialysis Access
- 03/22/2022 - Holding Pressure Case Prep - Arteriovenous Fistula/Graft Creation
- 03/22/2022 - JVS VL Editors' Choice March 2022
- 03/20/2022 - SVS Foundation and the "Cheers to 75 Years Gala" at VAM 2022
- 03/17/2022 - JVS Editors' Choice March 2022
- 03/13/2022 - SAVS 2022 Recap
- 02/27/2022 - JVS Editor's Choice February 2022
- 02/25/2022 - Holding Pressure - Medical Student Conference Travel Scholarships
- 01/30/2022 - JVS Editor's Choice January 2022
- 01/29/2022 - JVS VL January 2022
- 01/23/2022 - Vascular Origin Stories: Bridging the Gap - The Fabric of Aortic Repair
- 01/06/2022 - VSITE/RPVI Review: Vascular Lab
- 12/31/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - December 2021
- 12/05/2021 - SVS HITC Series - Artificial Intelligence in Vascular Surgery
- 12/02/2021 - Rouleaux Club Exam Prep - Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms with Mr. Michael Jenkins
- 11/28/2021 - Rouleaux Club Exam Prep - Venous Disease
- 11/17/2021 - JVS VL November 2021
- 11/07/2021 - Holding Pressure - Residency Interview Tips/Advice
- 11/04/2021 - JVS Editor's choice - November 2021
- 11/01/2021 - VSITE Review - Aortic Dissections
- 10/27/2021 - Vascular Surgery Origins - The Modern Prometheus
- 10/17/2021 - Vascular Surgery History Ep 1
- 10/10/2021 - Dr. Gregorio Sicard and Dr. Frank Caputo on the Management of Endograft Failures, Open Aortic Surgical Training, and Mentorship
- 10/04/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - October 2021
- 09/29/2021 - Landmark Papers - NASCET
- 09/26/2021 - Holding Presure - Vascular Surgery Interest Group (VSIG)
- 09/21/2021 - One Year Later - Moving Forward with Intentionality in Efforts to Combat Systemic Racism in Healthcare
- 09/09/2021 - #VAM21 Highlight, Part 4 - Jason Lee and VESS, Bernadette Aulivola and Cassius Ochoa Chaar on Outreach & Max Wohlauer on Occupational Hazard in Vascular Surgery
- 09/05/2021 - JVS VL September 2021
- 09/02/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - September 2021
- 08/22/2021 - #VAM21 Highlight, Part 3 - Drs. Carlos Bechara and William Shutze on the new SVS Surgical Coaching Program
- 08/20/2021 - #VAM21 Highlight, Part 2 - Dr. Alan Dardik on the new JVS: Vascular Science Journal
- 08/19/2021 - #VAM21 Highlight, Part 1 - Vascular Surgeons as Leaders and the SVS Branding Toolkit Contest
- 07/23/2021 - Getting Started with Basic Science in Vascular Surgery
- 07/18/2021 - Getting Started using the VQI for Research
- 07/15/2021 - Landmark Papers - IMPROVE - Professor Janet Powell
- 07/11/2021 - The Historical Relationship Between Black America, Medicine, and Research: Deconstructing Barriers and Optimizing Care
- 07/08/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - July 2021
- 07/06/2021 - JVS VL - July 2021
- 07/02/2021 - What’s New and Exciting at VAM 2021, with Drs. Andy Schanzer and Matt Eagleton
- 06/29/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - June 2021
- 06/22/2021 - Device Safety and the FDA with Drs Ronald Fairman and Carmen Johnson
- 06/17/2021 - So You’ve Matched into Vascular...Now What? (Part 2)
- 06/13/2021 - Steven Yule, PhD - Non-technical skills and coaching for vascular surgeons
- 06/11/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - May 2021
- 06/01/2021 - JVS MTA - Katharine McGinigle - Sex Disparities in Vascular Interventions
- 05/23/2021 - JVS - VL Editor's Choice: May 2021
- 05/08/2021 - So You’ve Matched into Vascular...Now What? (Part 1)
- 05/03/2021 - Vascular Volunteers in Service to All (VISTA) Program from the SVS Foundation
- 04/21/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - April 2021
- 04/17/2021 - Rouleaux Club - Jonathan Boyle MD, FRCS - Device Safety and Lessons Learned from the Nellix Experience
- 04/12/2021 - APDVS Lifetime Achievement in Education Award Winner, Dr. Jack Cronenwett: History of the APDVS, the vascular integrated residency, and the VQI
- 04/08/2021 - WISER - Dr. Shipra Arya, on frailty in vascular surgery, and international medical graduates
- 04/03/2021 - SVS Foundation - Funding what matters in vascular surgery
- 03/30/2021 - VSITE Review - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
- 03/27/2021 - Rouleaux Club - Rachel Bell, MS, FRCS - Management of Infected Aortic Grafts
- 03/24/2021 - JVS - VL - March 2021
- 03/21/2021 - “VSIG Live!’ with Drs. Ben Pearce, Loay Kabbani, and Jonathan Bath
- 03/08/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - March 2021
- 03/02/2021 - Dr. Barend Mees on the 24th European Vascular Course, Virtual Simulation Training, and the MAZE Box
- 02/28/2021 - Rouleaux Club - Neil Hopper MD, FRCS - Both Sides of the Knife
- 02/20/2021 - Rouleaux Club - Chris Imray, MBBS, PhD - Academia at Altitude
- 02/17/2021 - Launching the new SVS Learning Management System
- 02/09/2021 - Vascular Trauma 5 - Endovascular Approaches
- 02/07/2021 - Rouleaux Club - Paul Blair MBBS, MD - Peripheral vascular trauma and the Troubles in Northern Ireland
- 02/02/2021 - SVS Branding Toolkit with Dr. Joseph Mills, Dr. Linda Harris, and Dr. Kathryn Bowser
- 02/01/2021 - JVS Editor's Choice - February 2021
- 01/29/2021 - VSITE - Upper Extremity Disease
- 01/20/2021 - Become a JVS Intern!
- 01/18/2021 - Dr. Ulka Sachdev-Ost: Surgery, Science, Diversity
- 01/03/2021 - VSITE - PAOD part 2, Chronic Limb Threatening Ischemia
- 12/28/2020 - JVS-VL Editor's Choice - January 2021
- 12/19/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - January 2021
- 12/12/2020 - Surgeon Advocacy and Medicare Reimbursement Changes
- 12/04/2020 - Advice for Applicants to the Integrated Vascular Surgery Residency
- 12/01/2020 - JVS Journal Club Scale-up with Drs. Paul Dimuzio and Misty Humphries
- 11/27/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - December 2020
- 11/18/2020 - Audible Bleeding Joins the SVS Family of Publications!
- 11/17/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - November 2020
- 11/16/2020 - Debate: Who Should Manage Vascular Trauma?
- 11/10/2020 - JVS - VL Editor's Choice - November 2020
- 11/09/2020 - Vascular Decision Making: Medical, Endovascular and Surgical 1st Edition with Drs. Cronenwett, Farber, and Mitchell
- 10/30/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - October 2020
- 10/28/2020 - Why a Career in Vascular Surgery with Dr. Bernadette Aulivola
- 10/17/2020 - VSITE Review - Acute Limb Ischemia
- 10/12/2020 - JVS-VL Editor's Choice - September 2020
- 10/11/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - September 2020
- 09/27/2020 - Brigitte Smith, MD, MHPE - Education in Quality and Safety
- 09/20/2020 - Dr. Hazim Safi - Iraq, Training in the Wild West, Thoracoabdominal Aneurysms, and Everything Else
- 08/24/2020 - VSITE Review - Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease (Part One)
- 08/18/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - August 2020
- 07/31/2020 - Dr. Ross Naylor - Career and Carotid Insights
- 07/26/2020 - Representation Matters: Recruitment and Retention of URM to Vascular Surgery
- 07/23/2020 - JVS-VL Editor's Choice - July 2020
- 07/19/2020 - JVS Editor's Choice - July 2020
- 07/12/2020 - SECOND Trial - Matthew Chia, MD and Dawn Coleman, MD
- 06/29/2020 - VSITE Review - Renal Vascular Disease
- 06/22/2020 - WISER Podcast: Dr. Teodorescu, from sewing clothes to sewing vessels
- 06/22/2020 - Race and Representation in Medicine: Addressing Implicit Bias in the Workplace
- 06/16/2020 - How I do It: Fenestrated EVAR with Dr. Wes Jones and Dr. Murray Shames from USF
- 06/06/2020 - COVER Study USA: Getting Started
- 06/03/2020 - JVS June Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Gloviczki
- 05/25/2020 - Vascular Trauma 4 - Cerebrovascular
- 05/21/2020 - Vascular Surgery Match 2021: All Questions Answered
- 05/19/2020 - Wake Forest Live Lecture Series: Dr. Christopher Carsten on Hemodialysis Access
- 05/18/2020 - VSITE Review - Aortopathies (Marfans, VEDS, Loeys-Dietz) and their management
- 05/16/2020 - "How I Do It: Obturator Bypass" with Dr. Matt Smith and Dr. Sharif Ellozy
- 05/13/2020 - Ergonomics in Surgery with Dr. Sam Money
- 05/11/2020 - "How I Do It: Gore Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis" with Dr. Lily Johnston and Dr. Gustavo Oderich
- 05/11/2020 - JVS VL May Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Gloviczki
- 05/10/2020 - Dr. Kristina Giles - "Decision-Making and Treatment: Elective Infrarenal and Juxtarenal AAA"
- 05/07/2020 - JVS May Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Gloviczki
- 05/03/2020 - "Vascular Surgery Match 2021: All Questions Answered” with Dr. David Rigberg
- 04/29/2020 - VSITE Review - Vascular Access
- 04/28/2020 - Dr. Eric Endean discusses current concepts in mesenteric ischemia
- 04/25/2020 - Open AAA repair: How I Do It with Dr. Ashlee Vinyard and Dr. John Eidt
- 04/23/2020 - Dr. Westley Ohman and Dr. Robert Thompson: "How I Do It: Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome"
- 04/22/2020 - A Transatlantic Conversation on Vascular Surgery in the COVID Era
- 04/21/2020 - COVER and VASCC - Studying the Impact of COVID-19 on Vascular Patients
- 04/20/2020 - "What I Wish I Had Learned In Training" - SVS YSC Collaboration
- 04/15/2020 - Renal Artery Vascular Pathology: Contemporary Management and Role for Open Surgical Reconstruction
- 04/15/2020 - Please Complete COVID-19 Needs Assessment Today
- 04/09/2020 - Update from New York City: Lessons learned from the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic
- 04/09/2020 - TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) - How I Do It
- 04/09/2020 - VSITE Review - Mesenteric Ischemia
- 04/08/2020 - JVS April Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Lawrence
- 04/04/2020 - Insights from Milan: Dr. Antonio Lanfranchi on the care of the COVID-19 patient
- 04/03/2020 - COVID ICU Primer for the Redeployed Physician with Dr. Jim LittleJohn
- 03/30/2020 - Amy Reed, MD - SVS Membership and COVID-19 Resources
- 03/28/2020 - VSITE Review - Hemodialysis Access
- 03/27/2020 - Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Private Practice Vascular Surgeons
- 03/27/2020 - Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Vascular Education
- 03/21/2020 - "A Letter From Seattle" and Lessons from Katrina
- 03/21/2020 - Misty Humphries, MD - Telemedicine and COVID-19
- 03/09/2020 - JVS March Editor's Choice - Peter Gloviczki
- 03/09/2020 - JVS-VL March Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Lawrence
- 03/04/2020 - What to look for in your first job - SVS YSC Collaboration
- 02/24/2020 - Listener Survey Winner!
- 02/15/2020 - SVS Wellness Task Force and Peer Support
- 02/07/2020 - JVS February Editors' Choice - Peter Lawrence, MD
- 02/03/2020 - Melina R. Kibbe, MD - Novel Vascular Therapies, Sex Bias in Research, and the Surgeon Scientist
- 01/18/2020 - Vascular Trauma 3 - Abdominal Venous
- 01/05/2020 - JVS January Editors' Choice - Peter Gloviczki, MD
- 12/30/2019 - JVS-VL January Editor's Choice - Dr. Peter Gloviczki
- 12/22/2019 - Vascular Trauma 2 - Abdominal Arterial
- 12/12/2019 - JVS December Editors' Choice - Peter Lawrence, MD
- 12/04/2019 - JVS Meet the Author / Journal Club - Caitlin Hicks MD MS
- 11/27/2019 - VSITE Review - Thoracic Outlet Syndromes
- 11/17/2019 - Frank Veith, MD - Past, Present and Future of Vascular Surgery: Season 2
- 11/07/2019 - Gilbert R. Upchurch, Jr, MD - Mentorship, Millennials and Modern Vascular Surgery
- 10/28/2019 - JVS November Editors' Choice - Peter Gloviczki, MD
- 10/23/2019 - Julie A. Freischlag, MD, FRCS - Thoracic outlet, leadership, and OVER trial
- 10/19/2019 - Transaxillary First Rib Resection - Dr. Julie Freischlag
- 10/08/2019 - Caitlin W. Hicks, MD, MS - Overuse of early peripheral vascular interventions in claudication
- 09/27/2019 - JVS October Editors' Choice - Peter Lawrence, MD
- 09/22/2019 - Vascular Trauma 1 - Peripheral
- 09/08/2019 - Andrew J. Meltzer, MD - Cost drivers in vascular surgery
- 08/29/2019 - JVS September Meet the Author - Jessica Mayor, MD
- 08/21/2019 - JVS September Editors' Choice - Peter Gloviczki, MD
- 08/17/2019 - BEST-CLI Discussion with Principal Investigators - Alik Farber, MD and Matthew Menard, MD
- 07/29/2019 - JVS August Editors' Choice - Peter Lawrence, MD
- 07/29/2019 - How to establish a busy vascular surgery clinical practice - SVS YSC Collaboration
- 07/07/2019 - Kim Hodgson, MD - Priorities as SVS President and Paclitaxel Update
- 06/23/2019 - Dr. Conte on The Global Vascular Guidelines For Management of CLTI
- 06/20/2019 - Dr. Coleman Discusses Results of the SVS Burnout Survey
- 06/18/2019 - Dr. Lombardi on Reporting Standards Update (with STS) for Type B Aortic Dissections
- 06/11/2019 - Peter Gloviczki, MD and Peter Lawrence, MD - Editors of the Journal of Vascular Surgery
- 06/08/2019 - Michel S. Makaroun, MD - SVS #VAM19
- 05/26/2019 - Anesthesia for the vascular surgeon - a conversation across the drapes with Dr. Ahmed Shalabi
- 05/12/2019 - Peter A. Schneider, MD and Endovascular Skills - history, personal techniques and updates in the 4th Edition
- 04/28/2019 - David Rigberg, MD - vascular workforce, venous disease, and live guitar performance!
- 04/17/2019 - Developing a Research Career - SVS YSC Collaboration
- 04/01/2019 - Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons and Stents - Increased mortality or statistical anomaly?
- 03/18/2019 - Venita Chandra, MD - limb salvage: multidisciplinary care and advanced endovascular techniques
- 03/03/2019 - Benjamin Starnes, MD - Military experience, entrepreneurship in surgery, and IDE for treating aortic aneurysms
- 02/17/2019 - Edward Woo, MD - Negotiating your first contract
- 02/03/2019 - Jeffrey Jim MD, MPHS - TCAR and Comparative Effectiveness Research
- 01/20/2019 - Gustavo Oderich, MD - branched and fenestrated endovascular treatment of complex aortic aneurysms
- 01/07/2019 - VSITE Review - Cerebrovascular
- 12/23/2018 - Spine Exposures Principles from Orthopedic and Vascular Surgery Perspective
- 12/20/2018 - Endovascular Aortic Repair Preoperative Sizing with Audible Bleeding
- 12/09/2018 - Thomas Forbes, MD - Vascular Surgery in Canada, Sub-specialization, Regionalization and the "Fireman" Vascular Surgeon
- 12/02/2018 - Malachi Sheahan, MD - Fundamentals of Vascular Surgery, Surgeon Burnout, Hurricane Katrina and #ThisIsOurLane
- 11/25/2018 - Leila Mureebe, MD, MPH - health economics, consensus guidelines and coping with the loss of a patient
- 11/08/2018 - Frank Veith, MD - Past, Present and Future of Vascular Surgery
- 10/30/2018 - Introduction to Audible Bleeding, Vascular Surgery Podcast